What to blog about is easy!
What to Blog About
Sometimes it is easy to think that you are stumped on what to blog about. Don’t let it happen, there are so many thing to talk about and that is what a blog really is, like talking to a friend. It may feel that way when it isn’t true at all.
What to blog about … the list
These are some ideas to get you thinking what to blog about
- What makes you come alive? What do you love to do?
- What have you seen that is new?
- Look at the comments on you blog….what are the questions there? Do you have any email questions that could work into an article?
- Check out Google analytics on your blog and select a month to view your top 10 blogs. and check through those for two idea out of each top post to expand on.
- What are you interested to learn more about? Research it! And record your learning as you go and share that on your blog.
- Look through Facebook, twitter, Digg and the other social media what are they talking about?
- Think of problems that your customers or readers may have, and figure out how to solve it for them.
- Sit down with a piece of paper and just start writing …. like what you don’t know what to write about. what would people like to see ? what woud they like to hear? keep writing ….. before you know it you will know what to blog about.
- Are there any products your readers should avoid?
- What have you had fun writing about?
- Think about your success and how can your readers can repeat your success?
- What is a consistant mistake you see others do that you can steer people away from?
- open up and share some of your mistakes that others should avoid. Tell the story. How did you feel?
- What are some problems that your niche faces help them solve it.
- What are some tool or resources that could help your niche or market?
- What are some ideas or terminology that may need to be explained or made clearer?
- Think of a common assumption that you could blast as a myth.
- What is a search term your site is being found for. Write on that topic!
- Use Google Adwords to find relevant keywords that you can rank for.
- What haven’t you written about in your niche?
- What are some questions that you could use to get comments or a discussion going.
- What are some of your natural talents or abilities? I’m sure you know something that others would like to know.
- Do you know of any current debates or topic that you could build on.
- Do you have any older blog post that could be updated?
- What activities do the gurus do that newcomers could learn to do?
- Give a game plan for newbies to get a fast start.
- What would give your read inspiration?
- Are there any changes coming or recent ones in your niche that your readers could need help with?
- Write about a successful person or business that a lesson could be learned from.
- Be silly be you! Let your personality out.
- How about time management – how to get organized.
- Share a good cause that could use a boost. They all need help.
- How to handle money. How to get more money
- Something interesting about your mentor.
- Do a survey.
- A self help ideas.
- Do an interview of some one.
- Write a story about one of your students.
- Write about something that makes your blood boil.
- Review a product or another blog.
- What can you make money from.
- On page SEO
What to blog about … Thats a start
I am sure that there are many more ideas that you may have that can be added to this list. Now the real deal is to pick one idea at a time, take action and write about it. And remember, what to blog about is easy.
Stephen Peters
Hey Stephen,
Great tips.
I found it very beneficial just to surf through blogs and read posts with catchy titles. By the time I’m done leaving a comment I have a great topic to talk about on my blog. Engaging other bloggers get the juice flowing, you know.
Great tips!
I like that idea Akos. Thanks for sharing.
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Hey Stephen,
That’s a great list! Adding value to others and providing solutions to their problems/challenges is a good thing to focus on also. I like the interview idea too:)
Hey Janet,
Thanks for your kind words and comment. Value and Solutions….I like that. It is like getting in your readers shoes (so to speak) and figure out whats in it for them.
Great list, Stephen! Shared on my Facebook Fan Page.
Thank you so much Donna!Glad you enjoyed it enough to share ….wow what a complement.
No one should ever be stuck for something to write about again! Great list!
Right, off to get typing …
What a great useful list. Thanks for sharing. Hadn’t thought of writing about something that makes my blood boil. 🙂
Thank you Lisa. I think I need to qualify to not use a microwave to get your blood to boil. 🙂 Keep up the great marketing work….My Best, Stephen
Hi Stephen,
A nice list of ideas you’ve put together there Stephen, something there for everyone to pick-up.
Thank for sharing them.
Your welcome Julie. Thank you for your comment. ~Stephen
This is so timely. I just hit blogger’s block. These ought to give me ideas.
Cool! Glad it helped.
Hi Stephen!
Yes, I was too confused about what to blog, what to write in blog and so on in my first blogging time. Then some of fellow bloggers suggest to start blog on what about you are fashionable!
You have listed some great points! I hope this post will definitely help a lot for newbie!
Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing this useful post!
Keep it up!
Hi MINHAJ UDDIN, That is good… “what is fashionable about you”. Glad this list helped.
Hi Peters!
Definitely an informative post on what to blog about! You have provided great list here. Honestly, in the beginning of my blogging journey i was at stuck on getting ideas to write an article. What should i blog about, was the most thinking part for me in the past days!
Anyway, thanks for sharing this useful post!
Happy blogging.